We apply a potent blend of Organisational Psychology, Research, and Psychotherapeutic expertise to help teams truly thrive
It’s a more human and fully rounded approach
- That brings better understanding and empathy with the human experience of team and organisational life
- Head, heart and gut thinking goes beyond traditional analytical approaches
That applies deep, psychological appreciation of issues and possibilities
- On an individual level we’re experts at providing the psychological safety to really explore difficult subjects
- And we know the psychology of organisational systems, cultures and dynamics underpinning both issues and possibilities
And uses inclusion and collaboration as change interventions
- Inclusion and collaboration are core to how we work
- Sharing and co-creating, ‘doing with’ rather than ‘doing to’ helps teams develop trust and alignment around a commonly owned vision
- Participation in an inclusive, listening research phase becomes part of the change process
- Helps teams find ways to transform and grow that they own and believe in
We use it to help struggling teams thrive
- We work with teams to overcome issues such as high turnover, burnout, and low satisfaction or engagement – helping them identify potential causes and solutions
And to help thriving teams unleash their full potential
- For example, we might help teams clearly define and connect with a shared purpose through collaborative goal setting and action planning
- Or we might examine diversity and inclusivity to ensure individual and team needs are fully met – identifying challenges and opportunities / creating safe, yet challenging environments / facilitating communication and relationships / ensuring optimal utilisation of skills and abilities / maximising creativity and innovation
Case study: inclusiveness, collaboration and holistic thinking to turn a team around
The challenge
- Senior leadership was alarmed at low morale and high turnover – teams were losing people they could ill afford to lose and satisfaction scores were through the floor
- The leadership suspected underlying issues with team culture
- They knew they needed to listen to teams and help them feel part of the solution
An holistic, ‘head, heart and gut’ approach
- Going beyond traditional analytical thinking
- Empathetic, inclusive interviewing quickly established the trust necessary for full disclosure
- Psychological expertise allowed a deep and wide ranging appreciation of the rational, emotional, social and cultural dimensions at play
- Sensitive feedback helped the senior leadership understand how teams were feeling and what they were asking for
- Co-creation workshops and collaborative task-forces encouraged teams to own meaningful and energising solutions
- Coaching was available where it was asked for
Outcome: clear evidence of positive change
- At the big annual global meeting a few weeks later team members reported high levels of energy and positivity and phenomenal levels of openness, connectedness and belonging